We are sharing the statements of the Beijing 30 Civil Society Steering Committee on the regional review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.
The historic Beijing+30 Review Meeting, held every five years, has concluded! More than 150 stakeholders from 56 UNECE member countries gathered to assess progress on gender equality and women’s rights, including government and civil society representatives, youth, academia, UN entities and regional organizations.
The purpose of the event was to evaluate the current progress and identify ways to correct gaps in the direction of gender equality and women's rights. Key outcomes include a commitment to advancing gender equality, addressing violence against women, and prioritizing collaboration and solidarity.
Future priorities include supporting grassroots feminist movements, adopting intersectional approaches to global crises, and promoting women’s leadership.
"Visiting Geneva to participate in the historic Beijing+30 event was a deeply inspiring experience. The two-day official meeting was preceded by impactful working sessions led by the Civil Society Steering Committee members, creating a valuable forum for women’s rights defenders. Representing not only our country but also our broader regional context made this experience especially meaningful.
During the regional review of the Beijing Platform for Action’s implementation, my primary focus was on the challenges faced by women human rights defenders and organizations dedicated to advancing women's rights. I underscored the significant impact of these barriers on our agendas and the work we do.
At this pivotal moment, I believe it is crucial to take collective action, foster intergenerational dialogue, and reinforce the critical role of women’s organizations. We must continue to honour the legacy of the human rights defenders and women who played instrumental roles in creating the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, safeguarding the rights for which we continue to advocate today."-said Yelene Rusetskaya, a member the Beijing 30 Civil Society Steering Committee, chairwoman of the board of the Women's Information Center.
We take great pride in announcing that WIC from Georgia has been bestowed with the esteemed CAREC PROGRAM Gender Award—CAREC GENDER CHAMPIONS 2023. Certainly, it is noteworthy that women's organizations from various countries around the world were nominated for this prestigious award
On July 26, 2019, representatives of the Women's Information Center organized a focus group in Kobuleti Municipality that included local leaders and women entrepreneurs who use / do not use the Women's Room Service.The purpose of the focus group was to evaluate the use of women's room services in the municipality for effective planning of further work.