Women can,
Women act,
Women change!
Women's Information Center visited Kharagauli Municipality
2023-10-25 11:18:42

In Kharagauli Municipality, representatives of the Women's Information Center held a meeting with female politicians, members of the Gender Equality Council, and representatives of the Interagency Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, as well as the Protection and Assistance to Victims of Violence.

The working meeting was led by KSC experts, including Sandro Svanishvili, an expert in local self-government issues. They, along with the commission members, discussed the challenges that impede the effective functioning of this institution and introduced mechanisms for achieving long-term results. The importance of coordinating relevant agencies and implementing preventive measures for the commission's sustainability was emphasized, with an active information campaign being the first step.

With the participation of gender expert Maya Kuprava, the meeting also addressed the needs and challenges facing local women. Women politicians' initiatives were identified and shared good practices related to women's political participation.

We take great pride in announcing that WIC from Georgia has been bestowed with the esteemed CAREC PROGRAM Gender Award—CAREC GENDER CHAMPIONS 2023. Certainly, it is noteworthy that women's organizations from various countries around the world were nominated for this prestigious award

On July 26, 2019, representatives of the Women's Information Center organized a focus group in Kobuleti Municipality that included local leaders and women entrepreneurs who use / do not use the Women's Room Service.The purpose of the focus group was to evaluate the use of women's room services in the municipality for effective planning of further work.

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