On November 28, as part of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence, a session was conducted in ABL village, Perevi situated in Sachkhere municipality. Organized by the Women's Information Center, the meeting aimed to enhance the awareness of women and young people affected by the conflict.
Eka Gogatishvili, a community leader and resident of Perevi actively engaged in the project's thematic activities, highlighted the necessity for the meeting. The facilitator for the training was gender expert Mamuka Gachechiladze, who covered crucial topics such as:
- Gender and gender relations;
- Gender stereotypes;
- Early marriage;
- Patriarchal attitudes;
- Violence against women and domestic violence;
- Femicide;
- Issues of inheritance and property ownership;
- Inequality at the place of employment;
- Harassment and other relevant issues;
- Additionally, participants were informed about existing services/programs for victims of violence.
The interactive training allowed participants to ask questions and share their experiences. Thematic short films were presented and discussed, making the session engaging and informative.
Eka Gogatishvili, a participant, expressed her gratitude, stating, "Today's training was a very good way to exchange and disseminate information. We talked about gender issues, and I think it was a very interesting and informative session. In my opinion, such meetings are especially important for women living in rural areas."
The event was part of the coalition project "Women and Youth for Localization of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda." Implemented by the project partners Women's Information Center, fund Sukhumi, and the IDP Association Consent, with support from the United Nations Women's Organization.
გენდერული ძალადობის წინააღმდეგ 16-დღიანი კამპანიის ფარგლებში, ქალთა საინფორმაციო ცენტრის (WIC), ხაშურის მუნიციპალიტეტის მერიისა და გენდერული თანასწორობის საბჭოს ერთობლივი ინიციატივით, ხაშურში სამუშაო შეხვედრა ჩატარდა.
ქალთა საინფორმაციო ცენტრის ორგანიზებით, გაფართოებული შეხვედრა - „ქალთა პოლიტიკური მონაწილეობისა და გენდერული სტერეოტიპების შესახებ კვლევების პრეზენტაცია /კარგი პრაქტიკების გაზიარება“- გაიმართა